Introducing the Hikmat family! Mom and Dad recently arrived from Afghanistan, and are excited about new opportunites for their children here in California. Mom was a dentist in Afganistan, and Dad was a lawyer, so their four bright and joyful children have a lot of inspiration to do amazing things! The kids need school supplies, and the family also needs kitchen items so they can share a meal after homework time is done! They are so appreciative of the love and community they have found here.
Ahmadi Family
Meet Ms. Ahmadi! Ms. Ahmadi recently resettled in California alone, having just arrived from Afghanistan. She previously worked with USAID, and is headed back to school here in California to continue her career. She is in need of school supplies as well as gift cards to purchase clothing that fits her and is appropriate for the weather. She is so grateful for the sense of community that Miry's List provides.
Malyar Family
Introducing the Malyar family! Ms. Malyar recently arrived from Afghanistan with her two sons, ages 10 and 16. They resettled in the SF Bay Area and are looking forward to connecting with community there. They are especially in need of rugs to keep their home warm and comfortable as they settle in this winter.
Ehsan Family
Introducing the Ehsan family! Mom and Dad recently arrived from Afghanistan with their two adorable daughters, ages 2 and 4. Dad was a dentist in Afghanistan and has a dream of practicing as a dentist here in California one day as well. They are especially in need of kitchen items so they can share meals together, and their daughters are still in need of beds and bedding as well.
Azami Family
Introducing the Azami family! Mom and Dad have two boys, ages 2 and 11, and two girls, ages 6 and 8. The Azami recently arrived from Afghanistan, and resettled in Virginia. Mom was a doctor in Afghanistan, and Dad was a University lecturer who also worked with NGOs. They are especially in need of a heater, rugs, and other items to keep them warm throughout the winter in Virginia. Thank you for helping!