We’re proud to share our 2019 annual report, a snapshot of what the Miry’s List community achieved together this past year.
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Executive Summary
In 2016, we identified the need for scalable, community-based infrastructure to support resettling refugees when they arrive to the United States. Together we have made huge strides in closing the gap between what the system provides for refugee families when they arrive and how their American neighbors can step in to help. We proved that we have the power to impact the lives, experiences, and memories of families fleeing war, injustice, and persecution as they arrive here to restart their lives.
Through our innovative programming, we’re:
Demonstrating that we, as American people, want to welcome, support and connect with our resettling neighbors.
Realizing a vision of a culture that sees newcomers not just as refugees, but rather, our new neighbors.
Fostering a safe, encouraging space for all people – particularly new Americans from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran – to share life experiences and heal trauma through connection and sharing.
We know that the federal infrastructure of support available to refugees when they get here is dwindling – and families continue to arrive. What we do now impacts whether our essential programming will continue to be available to resettling refugee families who arrive over the next four years. In 2020, we’re setting out to help 150 more new arrival families. With your help, we’re going to do it.