Let's welcome the Yasir family. They are family of 5, Mom, Dad and children 10, 9 and 4. Dad is a medical doctor and Mom has a Masters in Public Administration. Their urgent needs are bedding, kitchen supplies, TV and scooters for the kids.
Qaderi Family
Faizi Family
Badshah Family
Yadgari Family
Sarfaraz Family
Azizi Family
Ahmadi Family
Ahmadi Family
Achekzai Family
Safi Family
Najimi Family
Rasuli Family
Liwal Family
Let’s welcome the Liwal family from Afghanistan! Mom, Dad and 3 kids aged 3, 8 & 11 resettled in WA. Dad has a Masters Degree in International Relations and more than 10 years experience serving International organizations. Mom and Dad dream of a bright future for their children. Their urgent needs are kitchen and household items and a phone for Mom.
Matin Family
Rahimi Family
Wolusmal Family
Alkhalaf Family
Mansoor Family
Amini Family
The Amini’s are a family of six: Mom, Dad and 4 children ages 18, 16, 13 and 10 years old. Dad has a Masters degree and used to serve a US company in Afghanistan. Mom was a medical doctor. They are grateful for being here and the opportunities it will provide their children. They urgently need household items.